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For now check out the work below!

Ceramic Piggy Banks

      During October of 2023. I had the opportunity to Student teach at Melrose High School intro to 3D Classes. The project below include the works of my students, who were tasked with creating a form that included the basics of hand-building, (pinch pots, Slabs and Coils). Piggy banks were used as a base standard, but students were welcomed to take allow their forms to take any shape they felt, as long as they tried out the hand-building basics.  

Intermixed are photographs of my advanced 3D Students Clay Monsters that they created as a warm-up refresher to using clay.

S.T.E.A.M Summer Camp

      During the Month of July during 2022 and 2023. I had the opportunity to teach at Montserrat College of Arts S.T.E.A.M.  Summer Camp. During this duration of the summers, I taught 12 classes ranging from sizes of 3-25 students, the age of students ranging from age 6 to 15.  

     Included below are a handful of zines made with my  paper arts class, and some photography of student work from my mixed media class, Woven Wonders class, beading class as well as my 3D printing class in no particular order.  

Character Creation

      Around Late April of 2022. I had the opportunity to Present a lesson on Character Creation to a handful of classes of 8th grade Art Students. I created a character Creation guide book to give students an in-hand activity book to keep any resources on Constantly in reach for them.

     Included below are a sample of that work as students were challenged to start creating characters based on character shapes, and draw expressions to show emotions of characters that they create.